Friday, January 6, 2012

What i Read...

One of my new years resolutions this year was to get back into reading God's word, 
and establish a better relationship with him.
When I was a teenager I would go to church every Saturday and Sunday, and
attend bible study every Wednesday.
My week was filled with God and I was truly happy in all areas in my life.

But over the years of getting married and having a child I strayed away from God's path.
And in return it's left me with an empty feeling inside.
A little hole in my heart no one can fill but God himself ♥

Now here I am in 2012 and I am ready for my relationship with God to blossom.
I've been reading his word everyday and I've been thinking about writing on my blog about what
I learned. 
Of course I would dedicate a very special day to this kind of post...
I was thinking about calling it "What I Read Wednesday".

I'm giving you all a little preview of "What I Read Wednesday" today.
(Yes I know it's Friday)
I wanted to know your opinions

Here's my preview....

What I Read
Finally Abram said to Lot, " Let's not allow this conflict to come between us or our herdsmen. After all, we are close relatives! The whole country side is open to you. Take your choice of any section of the land you want, and we will sparate. If you want the land to the left, then I'll take the land on the right. If you prefer the land on the right, then I'll go to the left." -Genesis 13:5-9

What I learned
Sometimes in life we get into arguments over silly things that can ruin our relationships with family members, friends, or even our boyfriends or spouses.
But in the case of Abram and Lot, Abram took initiative in settling the argument. Even though he was older and had the right to choose his land first, He let Lot pick before him. He showed  he was willing to risk being cheated. Just like Christ, Abram gave up his power to make Lot happy and save there relationship. (Abram was Lots Uncle".

How I Can Apply This To My Life?
There is so many times in my life that I argue with the people I love
Many of those times are for my selfish pleasure.
I need to learn to take initiative to resolve conflicts.
How to let others have the first choice instead of myself, even if I don't get what I want.
I need to put my relationships with people first, instead of my own personal desires.


So what did you think?


  1. I was the same way with church. My mom would always take us every Sunday, but as we got older the tradition kind of died. Now that I have a son, I would love to get back into the routine of church...

  2. I love this post :) Such a great reminder when we are dealing with conflicts!
