Thursday, January 5, 2012

Kreativ Blogger Award ♥

Today I was so happy to find out that Mary from Meowwzie awarded me with this...
Thank you Mary! You rock! You all should go check out her blog. I promise you won't be disappointed!

1.NAME YOUR FAVORITE SONG:  My favorite songs are always changing but at the moment my favorite is "Never Grow Up" by Taylor Swift.


3. WHAT TICKS ME OFF: Mean or rude people.

4. WHEN I'M UPSET I: Take a walk and enjoy the peace of nature.

5. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE PET: Fish. I love aquariums.

6. BLACK OR WHITE: White. I love how it looks so clean and bright.

7. BIGGEST FEAR: Airplanes. This includes getting on one or simply listening to one near my house.  This fear goes to the extremes of having nightmares of planes crashing into my house.

8. EVERYDAY ATTITUDE: umm bipolar? Over all happy though :)


10. GUILTY PLEASURE: Reading romantic novels.

Seven Random Facts About Me

1. I love nature, sunshine, and the sound of running water.
2. I wish I was still as free and a child.
3. Sometimes I'm way to hard on myself.
4. Photography is my passion
5. I love to sit outside and look up at the stars.
6. God is in the process of changing my heart to make me a better person.
7. I want to learn to love everyone unconditionally.

I've chosen to give this award to...

Meowwzie nominated her too, but I love this Blog too so why not add her :)

1.  Link back to the person who gave you this award
2.  Complete the form below
3. Award 10 other blogs and let them know in a comment or email
4.Share 7 random thoughts about yourself

Everyone should defiantly go visit these blogs!
Tons of creativity in all of them :)


  1. Thank you SO MUCH for the award!! I'll do it as soon as I get the chance. =D

  2. Thank you SO MUCH for the award!! And congratulations for yours!! :)
